I have chose this title due to a creative thought and consideration while our home is being renovated. I have been contemplating two things... first what is UNDER the construction that is visible and secondly I have pondered the very evident truth that I am under construction each and every day...
As I have peeled back the walls and floors of what "appeared" as a well build home I have discovered shortcuts UNDERneath. These shortcuts may have saved time, money, or just reflected laziness. Whatever the reason, it was not readily seen to the eyes that would look upon the construction of our home. It did however show itself when strides where being made to improve or add to our home. Improvements' now would take more time due to things not square, structure not being where it should, or shortcuts that now would require time and correction if the job would be done right. While this is annoying for our home remodel, it becomes very concerning when we reflect upon ourselves.

I have noticed in the church as a whole, there is a drive in people to "appear" a certain way to others around them. Those who gaze in passing may see one who is strong, solid in their faith, a great Christian. Meanwhile UNDER they are trying to take shortcuts. We so quickly want people to look upon us in admiration, but when God seeks to improve, strengthen us, add to our faith. We find that the solid groundwork has been cheated on by us. We do not put forth the work and effort to build a solid relationship. We find ourselves speaking of someone we know from afar rather than a solid intimate relationship.
In 1 Samuel we see that even the man of God , Samuel, was susceptible to looking at the external but we see that God replies to him, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7 (NASB95) If God is looking at the heart then maybe it is time you and I take a look at our hearts. Ask God to search us as David did many times. Scripture says that David was a man after God's heart. Not a perfect man by any means, but one who constantly went to God seeking to take care of what was underneath, knowing and understanding he was a work in progress by the Almighty!